

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

" Learning the Same the Effects"

I get so aggravated working with a lap top...It is a trial to say the least for me... I have a desk top I could blog on, but I get my best writing outside, so I use a netbook... I wrote all I  intended on writing today and while proof reading my blog, I seen where I needed to fix a word . I backspaced and when I typed the letter ---- I lost everything.... Frustrated to know I could not find my writing. I figured I would have to attempt to write it again.. Writing it the second time seems to never be as good as the first..then sometimes it can only be better....  So, I will attempt to try it once more.... I pray my thoughts that were there once will come back to me... Here I go....
Sometimes God will use physical  and natural things to teach me spiritual things... Which, I love when He does that.. While sitting outside, I could feel the rain in the air  when this came to mind.. Weather to me has the same effects in nature as we experience effects in our spiritual walk... Like Sunshine, we all love the sunshine and we love to bask in it's ray wishing it would never go away...  So sunshine represent to me, the good times and blessing in our walk... we want to stay in that state because it feels good, but eventually we begin to take the good times for granted  allowing compromise to enter letting it take over the life we live and we start to die spiritually... just like the sun  if it  never lost it's shine things would eventually wilt and start to die... So, when this begins to happen then that is when nature begins to take it's course so things can change and begin to make room for new growth.. Storms come and blow all the old things away  -- Storms represent to me the trials in our walk... they come in to do away with the pride and compromise we allowed in and the things we have taken for granted while basking in the good times and blessings.. not letting us forget the power of it's nature...  During this storm, Satan will send in  loud rolling thunder and striking lightening to make us fear it's effects, hoping we would bolt from what we know of the power of nature.. Thunder and lightening represents to me the roughness of a trial and the effects it can have if we do not take shelter in the God's word and His power to save us in this storm. The rain follows washing away all the dead things that have come to surface so there is room for new growth... Rain to me represents  the tears we shed during our trials knowing the roughness of our trials wondering if it would ever end and  knowing we are being cleansed but wanting to trust we will survive... We ride out the storm praying it would pass while holding on to the anchor .knowing this storm has to pass in order to see change and growth.. As we look to the sky to see how the storm is doing, God sends a rainbow to let us know in assurance the storm and rain has passed. New things will be araising.... Rainbow represents to me, God letting us know we made it through the storm ( trial ) unharm but cleansed from all the dead things that has taken over our lives and that there is new changes and growth spouting within... Just like nature - if it does not take it's course, we would never enjoy the beauty of newest... Our storms  ( trials ) have the same effect in our spiritual walk --- If we never had a storm  trial) we would never know change nor the power of God....  In James 1: 2- 4 tells us " To count it all joy when you encounter trials of any sort or fall into different temptations.. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith brings out endurance and stedfastness and patience.. Let  endurance, steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be people perfectly and fully developed with no defects lacking nothing.".... We need the storms  in life to see new things just as we need trials to be what God wants us to me... I thank God for the storms in life andtrials in my life , because I am able to enjoy the full beauty afterwards.... Every storm and trial has it purposes...

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