

Monday, March 28, 2011

Finding Family in Unlikely Places

Today, as I spend my birthday alone, while hubby runs around in town taking care of business - I have time to really think about things.... The main thing on my mind is how we find family in unlikely places... My dad was from Pennsylvania... we weren't fortuniate enough to get to know his side of the family.. Mom was from Church Point, we did grow up knowing her family... But through the years we have lost touch with these cousins. There are no longer aunts and uncles to hang out with on mom's side being they have gone on to be the Lord.. Mom was the last of her siblings to live until she passed away a year ago February... So now it seems like we have not much extended family except my siblings, my children,spouse and in laws who are truly amazing, but it still can make you feel that sense of loss of family..Through the amazing world of facebook we have been blessed to have gotten to know some of dad's family... They live all over the United States, even in the UK. With them living all over,  it makes spending time with them difficult. But through facebook we can spend all the time we want now getting to know each other and  now talk on the phone since we have been able to come together and exchange phone numbers.. This has blessed and excited me to know my dad's sisters... We are also blessed through facebook to build a relationship with cousins from mom's side that we have lost contact with through the years...Mom taught us there is nothing  more important on earth than family. She also taught us family does not have to be blood, love makes a family... Families are the ones who come into your life grabs your heart and does not let go. They will be there for each other no matter what... In this last year, I have gain more family and love than anyone can ask for through facebook... If I ever need prayer or encouragement, I always know without a doubt I have it from each and everyone of my facebook  family.. I know I will see this family daily, they will always show up never leaving me feeling left alone... This family is never boring to say the least... They make me laugh, I feel their pain as they feel mine,  they will make me cry, make me shake my head in disbelief, make me practice my faith and keeps my prayer life active. They give me reason and purpose to get on everyday.. I always look forward to seeing this family. Today is an example of what this family will do for you.  I have had more love and wishes for my birthday than I expected.... My facebook family has helped me have a wonderful start to my day... My birthday seems to be the hardest time for me, knowing I will not be hearing my mom's froggy voice singing me happy birthday like she had done for so many years... So finding this new family in an unlikely place has been sent to me from God.. His Word says " He knows what we have need of. " He will meet those needs for His children who love Him... I am ever so grateful for the family I have found in the unlikely place ~~~ " Facebook" ~~~~

1 comment:

  1. *Family* is a wonDerful BleSSing! Thanks for sharing your heart ♥ Hope you had a niCe Birthday~~&~~really if you lisTen hard enough, I'll bet you can still hear your mom singing in your ear [even if onLy by memory] from her heaVenLy home.
    LoVe from your oLd friend ♥
